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Showing posts from February, 2015

SEDAB visits Chennai...

We get often asked what 'exactly do we do?', it is a difficult question if one is involved in building things that take a long time to manifest in any manner. however, here is something that we are proud to share! Samanvaya has been involved from the stage of conceptualizing, formation, management and trouble shooting of several village level enterprises utilizing the skills, knowledge, network and visibility of Auroville institutions for over 4 years now. some of these wome n's owned and managed enterprises have become quite successful, details of the same may be found at  Sustainable Enterprise Development in Auroville Bio-region . We are proud to share the information that some of these village enterprises will be on display at the Auroville Festival in Chennai during the month of March... Yes, Samanvaya works on creating individual competencies, initiatives and institutions for strengthening rural livelihoods.

Coming up...

remembering Dharamapalji today -

19th February is the Birthday of Sri. Dharampal , the late Gandhian Historian who re-defined the purpose of historical research in India from mere academic discourse to that of a strengthening tool, strengthening the self-image and understanding by Indians of their own past, from their own sources, with their own interpretation; without being intimidated nor defensive about their values and ethos. He practiced and taught us the need for immense faith in the belief and values practiced by the ordinary Indians, often preferred to listen to the local cowherd, village lady and farmer with far more respect than he would listen the 'learned' professors and politicians who visited him whenever they were in the vicinity of his humble kuti at the sevagram ashram. He maintained that the uniqueness of Gandhiji was that he had trust in the wisdom of the ordinary Indians and gave examples of how Gandhiji embarked on salt satyagraha or chose charkha because these were issues that we...

Programme this week...