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The Sixth Samnavaya Freedom Lecture, 13th August 2008

Samanvaya Freedom Lecture has caught the imagination of many of the Samanvaya regulars. Each year we bring one persona who has treated a different path and worked at the grassroot level to come and share his/her experience.

This year we have invited Ms. Meenakshi of Puvidham, a rural school in rural Dharmapuri to share her experience and insights in managing a school in a remote rural set-up. Read related news item here

Ms. Parimala Rao, Assistant Editor in the HINDU Business Line and a close associate of Puvidham will Preside over the lecture and introduce Ms. Meenakshi to the audience.

Ms. Meenakshi will talk on Freedom to Teach under the title, 'Free to Teach'. The programme will be held on the afternoon of the 13th at the auditorium of Stella Maris College.

This year Samanvaya Freedom Lecture is organized in collaboration with the Public Relations Department of the Stella Maris College in the city. The event will be hosted and organized by this department, thanks to its dynamic head and a good friend of Samanvaya, Prof. Sundari.
